HR Software ROI Calculator

Use our FREE instant calculator to discover what your business' return would be.

How much will I save with HR software?

Discover the return you'll get when you invest in Breathe's HR software for your small business.

With Breathe, you'd see an approximate ROI of


Which equates to around


each year

for 1-10 employees

How many people are in your business?

Your annual salary We'll use your salary to calculate how much your time costs, so that we can tell you how much money your business will save each year.

How many hours do you work each week?

Achieve more in less time


Reduce admin stress

Make managing your people admin a breeze with an easy-to-use people-management software


Put your people first

Give your people total visibility of how much holiday they're entitled to and how much has been taken


Boost your team's efforts

Help your people grow, set achievable goals, track progress and recognise achievements


Documents in one place

Securely store your company and employee documents in one place that you can access instantly

View our pricing to discover the best plan
for your business

How do we calculate the ROI of HR software?

In our recent customer survey, we discovered that on average, our customers save 3.8 hours each week by using Breathe to manage their people admin. 

To calculate the return on investment (ROI) of Breathe, we:

1. Use your salary to work out what 3.8 hours of your time costs

2. Calculate how much this is on a yearly basis

3. Subtract your plan cost (based on the number of people in your business), giving your total amount saved

4. Calculate your ROI % (total amount saved/total plan cost x 100)

Let’s work together –
and make things better

Take a free trial of Breathe to see for yourself how easy it is to win back time in your day and help your people be the best they can be.
